

姓      名: 郭志强 性别: 出生年月: 1985.2
职      称: 长聘副教授 职务:
最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 电力电子技术、新能源应用、储能技术
办公地点: bat365中文官网登录入口六号教学楼216
电子邮件: guozq32@bit.edu.cn 联系方式:
通讯地址: bat365中文官网登录入口六号教学楼216
导师类型: 博士生导师


2004.9-2008.7 河北工业大学 自动控制系 自动化专业  学士

2008.9-2010.7 bat365中文官网登录入口 自动控制系 控制科学与工程  硕士

2010.9-2015.7 bat365中文官网登录入口 自动控制系 控制科学与工程  博士

2015.9-2017.9 清华大学     电机系     电力电子研究所  博士后

2017.9-今     bat365中文官网登录入口 自动控制系 电气工程研究所  助理教授、副教授



1. 电力电子拓扑和控制

2. 储能系统

3. 新能源发电、微电网中的电力电子技术




1. 固体氧化物电解池电源控制系统优化设计理论与协调控制关键技术研究,主持,2023-2025,北京市自然基金面上项目

2. 多调制模态有源双桥变换器能耗优化方法及关键技术研究,主持,2019年-2021年,国家自然科学基金青年基金

3. 多端口单级功率流光伏-电动汽车充电站电路拓扑的研究,主持,2016年5月-2017年5月,中国博士后基金项目


1. Jiankun Luo, Zhiqiang Guo*, Weijie Zhan and Shujun Chen, "Efficient Hybrid Dual Full-bridge DC-DC Converters for Pulsed Output Current Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.70, no.12, Dec. 2023. pp. 12254 - 12266. (SCI一区,IF: 7.7)

2. Zhiqiang Guo, Xu Han. “Control Strategy of AC-DC Converter Based on Dual Active Bridge with Minimum Current Stress and Soft Switching,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.37, no.9, Sept. 2022. pp. 10178 - 10189. (SCI一区,IF: 6.7)

3. Zhiqiang Guo, Molin Li, Xu Han. “Triple Phase Shift Modulation Scheme of DAB Converter with LCL Resonant Tank.” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2022. (SCI二区,IF:7.0)

4. Yunqiu Zhu, Zhiqiang Guo, Qingbo Geng. “An Improved Full-Bridge Converter With a Five-Diode Rectifier for High Efficiency in Wide Voltage Range,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. vol.37, no.3, Mar. 2022. pp. 3178 - 3191. (SCI一区,IF:6.153).

5. Shujun Mu, Zhiqiang Guo, Yong Luo. “Universal Modulation Scheme to Suppress Transient DC Bias Current in Dual Active Bridge Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. vol.37, no.2, Feb. 2022. pp. 1322 - 1333. (SCI一区,IF:6.153).

6. Zhiqiang Guo, Molin Li. “An Optimized DPS Control Strategy for LCL Resonant Dual Active Bridge Converter for Wide Voltage Conversion Ratio,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, vol.36, no.7, Jun. 2021. pp. 501 - 512.

7. Zhiqiang Guo, Yong Luo, Kai Sun. “Parameter Identification of the Series Inductance in DAB Converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. vol.2, no.4, Jun. 2021. pp. 7395 - 7399. (SCI一区,IF:6.812)

8. Zhiqiang Guo, Yunqiu Zhu, Deshang Sha. “Zero-voltage-switching Asymmetrical PWM Full-bridge DC-DC Converter with Reduced Circulating Current,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. vol.68, no.5, May 2021. pp. 3840 - 3853. (SCI一区, IF:7.515).

9. Zhiqiang Guo, “Modulation Scheme of Dual Active Bridge Converter for Seamless Transitions in multi Working Modes Compromising ZVS and Conduction Loss,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.67, no.9, Oct. 2020. pp. 7399 - 7409. (SCI一区,IF:7.05)

10. Zhiqiang Guo, Deshang Sha. “Dual Active Bridge Converter with Parallel-Connected Full Bridges in Low Voltage Side for ZVS by Using Auxiliary Coupling Inductor,” IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol.66, no.9, Sept. 2019. pp. 6856 - 6866. (IF:7.503)

11. Zhiqiang Guo, Deshang Sha, Keling Song. “Output-Series Connected Dual Active Bridge Converters for Zero-Voltage-Switching Throughout Full Load Range by Employing Auxiliary LC Networks,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.34, no.6, Jun. 2019. pp. 5549 - 5562. (IF:6.812)

12. Zhiqiang Guo, Kai Sun, “Three-level Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with an Auxiliary Inductor in Adaptive Working Mode for Full-operation Zero-Voltage Switching,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.33, no.10, Oct. 2018. pp. 8537 - 8552. (IF:7.224)

13. Zhiqiang Guo, Kai Sun, Tsai-Fu Wu, Canbing Li. “An Improved Modulation Scheme of Current-fed Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Loss Reduction,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.33, no.5, May 2018. pp. 4441 - 4457. (IF:7.224)

14. Zhiqiang Guo, Sun Kai, and Li Zhang, “Analysis and Evaluation of Dual Half-bridge Cascaded Three-Level DC-DC Converter for Reducing Circulating Current Loss,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.5, no.1, Sept. 2017. pp. 351-362. (IF:4.269)

15. Zhiqiang Guo, Kai Sun, and Deshang Sha, “Improved ZVS Three-Level DC–DC Converter With Reduced Circulating Loss,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.31, no.9, Sept. 2016. pp. 6394-6404. (IF:7.151)

16. Zhiqiang Guo, Deshang Sha, and Xiaozhong Liao, “Hybrid Three-Level and Half-Bridge DC-DC Converter with Reduced Circulating Loss and Output Filter Inductance,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics. vol.30, no.12, Dec. 2015. pp. 6628-6638. (IF:4.953)

17. Zhiqiang Guo, Deshang Sha, and Xiaozhong Liao, “Hybrid Phase-Shift-Controlled Three-Level and LLC DC-DC Converter with Active Connection at the Secondary Side,” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics., vol.30, no.6, Jun. 2015. pp. 2985-2996. (IF:4.953)



1. 郭志强, 双向DC-DC变换器的导通损耗优化方法及多模态平滑切换方法,ZL. 201910208213.6.

2. 郭志强, 李沫霖, 梅扬, 双有源桥变换器基于三移相调制的负载电流前馈控制方法, ZL.202010211733.5

3. 郭志强, 朱韵秋, 梅扬, 一种全桥DC-DC变换器, ZL. 202010211694.9

4. 郭志强, 朱韵秋, 梅扬, 基于双有源桥整流器无电流采样功率因数校正的控制方法, ZL201911300418.3

5. 郭志强,孙凯, 光伏充电系统及用于光伏充电系统的充电控制方法,ZL.201610523214.6.

6. 郭志强,沙德尚,廖晓钟,输入串联输出并联移相全桥变换器的全范围软开关方法,ZL.201410063242.5.


1. Zhiqiang Guo, Deshang Sha, “New Topologies and Modulation Schemes for Soft-Switching Isolated DC-DC Converters,” Springer, Singapore, 2019.

2. 沙德尚,郭志强,廖晓钟,《输入串联模块化电力电子变换器》,科学出版社, 2014。


1. 第六届中国电源学会技术发明奖二等奖(排名第二)

2. IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS) 优秀论文奖(Excellent Paper Award), 中国上海, 2021年11.12-11.15

3. International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conferences (IPEMC-Asia) 最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award), 中国南京,2020年11.29-12.2



1. 电力电子装置及系统

2. 电力电子系统建模及仿真 (研究生)




1. 《Journal of Power Electronics》期刊编委、副主编(Associate Editor)

2. 《电气工程学报》青年编委