
姓      名: 曹芳菲 性别: 出生年月: 1992年9月
职      称: 助理教授 职务:
最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 控制理论与控制工程
办公地点: 6号教学楼504
电子邮件: caofangfei@bit.edu.cn 联系方式: 68912460
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号bat365中文官网登录入口
导师类型: 硕士生导师


2022.07 至今      bat365中文官网登录入口  bat365中文官网登录入口     助理教授

2020.07-2022.07    清华大学      自动化系    博士后(合作导师:何潇 教授)

2015.09-2020.06  北京航空航天大学 控制理论与控制工程 博士 (导师:刘金琨 教授)

2018.02-2018.05  美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校  机械与航空学院  访问学者 (导师:Prof. Minghui Zheng)

2011.09-2015.06  北京林业大学 电气工程及其自动化  本科


1 柔性机械手智能控制

2 数据驱动故障诊断与容错控制


1 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023-2025,深潜器作业机械手故障诊断与容错控制的协同设计,主持

2 北京航天自动控制研究所(思源基金),2023-2024,基于在线迭代学习的飞行器姿态控制算法研究,主持

3 中国博士后科学基金第2批特别资助(站前),2020-2022,深海载人潜水器抓取系统的容错控制研究,主持

4 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助, 2020-2022 , “蛟龙号”深海潜水器作业机械手的主动故障诊断研究,主持

5 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022,三维工作任务空间双连杆机械臂的PDE建模及控制理论研究,参与


1 Binxiang Yang, Pingli Lu, Changkun Du, Fangfei Cao*(曹芳菲),A GRU network framework towards fault-tolerant control for flight vehicles based on a gain-scheduled approach, Aerospace Science and Technology, 146: 108954, 2024.

2 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Fanlin Jia, Xiao He*, Sensor fault detection and diagnosis of linear parabolic PDE systems with unknown inputs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(2):1014-1021, 2024.

3 Fangfei Cao(曹芳菲) , Fanlin Jia , Xiao He*, Input design for active fault detection: Reconciling system control objectives, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023, online.

4 Jiaxin Zhao, Pingli Lu, Changkun Du, Fangfei Cao* (曹芳菲), Active fault tolerant strategy for flight vehicles: Transfer learning-based fault diagnosis and fixed-time fault tolerant control,IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60(1): 1047-1059, 2024.

5 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Chang Liu, Xiao He*, Fault-compensation-based boundary control for hyperbolic PDEs: An adaptive iterative learning scheme, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 36(16), 11271-11294, 2023.

6 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Xiao He*, Online Active Fault Detection for Over-Actuated Systems With Prescribed Control Performance, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(1):4-14, 2024.

7 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Zhao Zhang, Xiao He*, Active fault isolation of over-actuated systems based on a control allocation approach, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71:3513410, 2022.

8 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Partial Differential Equation Modeling and Vibration Control for a Nonlinear 3D Rigid-Flexible Manipulator System with Actuator Faults, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29:3793-3807, 2019.

9 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, An adaptive iterative learning algorithm for boundary control of a coupled ODE–PDE two-link rigid-flexible manipulator, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354(1): 277-297, 2017.

10 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Three-Dimensional Modeling and Input Saturation Control for a Two-Link Flexible Manipulator based on Infinite Dimensional Model, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 357(2): 1026-1042, 2020.

11 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Vibration control for a rigid-flexible manipulator with full state constraints via Barrier Lyapunov Function, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 406: 237-252, 2017.

12 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Boundary control for a constrained two-link rigid-flexible manipulator with prescribed performance, International Journal of Control, 91(5):1091-1103, 2017.

13 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Adaptive Neural Network Control of an Arm-String System with Actuator Fault Based on PDE Model, Journal of Vibration and Control, 25(1):172-181, 2019.

14 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Boundary Vibration Control for a Two-Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator with Quantized Input, Journal of Vibration and Control, 25(23-24):2935-2945, 2019.

15 Fangfei Cao (曹芳菲), Jinkun Liu*, Optimal Trajectory Control for a Two-Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator with ODE-PDE Model, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 39(4): 1515-1529, 2018.



1 朱怀石,曹芳菲等,四旋翼飞行器故障诊断方法及装置,专利受理

2 曹芳菲,朱怀石等,一种柔性机械臂故障判别方法、装置以及电子设备,专利受理





1 计算机控制系统 32学时 本科生课程

2 智慧能源与能源互联网 32学时 研究生课程




1. 中国指挥与控制学会集群智能与协同控制专业委员会委员

2. 中国自动化学会青年学术年会PC member

3. Automatica,Control engineering practice,Journal of vibration and control等多个期刊审稿人