

姓      名: 潘振华 性别: 出生年月: 1989.10
职      称: 助理研究员 职务:
最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 智能信息处理与控制
办公地点: 6#220
电子邮件: zhenhuapan@bit.edu.cn 联系方式:
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区北三环西路bat365中文官网登录入口6号教学楼
导师类型: 硕士生导师


2016.09-2020.06 bat365中文官网登录入口机电学院,兵器科学与技术,博士

2017.11-2018.11 加拿大维多利亚大学,机械电子工程,博士联合培养

2020.08-2022.11 bat365中文官网登录入口,控制科学与工程, 博士后

2022.12-今 bat365中文官网登录入口 助理研究员






1. Ø 国家自然科学基金青年基金:拒止环境下无人机蜂群智能容错与自愈控制方法研究,2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持。

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:无人机蜂群自适应动态构型与自愈控制研究,2022-01至2022-12,结题,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:航天器编队飞行轨迹自主规划与协同控制方法研究,2022.01至2025.12,主要参与人。

4. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:面向无人驾驶车辆的数据-模型混合驱动预测控制方法研究,2022.01至2024.12,在研,主要参与人。

5. Ø国防基础科研,自主式网络化***关键技术研究,2015.10至2018.12,结题,主要参与人

6. Ø国家自然科学基金重大研究计划:智能车驾驶脑认知技术、平台与转化研究,2015-01至2017-12,结题,主要参与人


1. Zhenhua Pan, Hongbin Deng, et al. A multilayer graph for multiagent formation and trajectory tracking control based on MPC algorithm[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(12): 13586 - 13597.

2. Zhenhua Pan, Yuanqing Xia, et al. Multi-Layer Self-Organized Aggregation Control for the Large-Scale UAVs Swarms [J],International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, in press.

3. Zhenhua Pan, Chengxi Zhang, Yuanqing Xia, et al. An improved artificial potential field method for path planning and formation control of the multi-UAV systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022, 69(3): 1129-1133.

4. Zhenhua Pan, Di Wang, Hongbin Deng, Kewei Li. A Virtual Spring Method for the Multi-robot Path Planning and Formation Control[J], International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17(5): 1272-1282.

5. Zhenhua Pan; Dongfang Li; Kun Yang; Hongbin Deng; Multi-robot Obstacle Avoidance Based on the Improved Artificial Potential Field and PID Adaptive Tracking Control Algorithm[J], Robotica, 2019, 37(11): 1883-1903.

6. Dongfang Li, Zhenhua Pan (Corresponding author), Hongbin Deng. Adaptive path following controller of a multijoint snake robot based on the improved serpenoid curve[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(4): 3831-3842.

7. Yiran Wei, Hongbin Deng, Zhenhua Pan (Corresponding author), et al. Research on a combinatorial control method for coaxial rotor aircraft based on sliding mode[J]. Defence Technology,2022: 18(2), pp.280-292.  

8. Zhenhua Pan; Ling Shu; Hongbin Deng; Dongfang Li; The Application of the Multi-Agent Coverage and Self-Healing Control Based on a Swarm Intelligence SONM and Potential Function Approach, IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 72671-72682.

9. Zhenhua Pan, Kewei Li, H. Deng, et al. Obstacle recognition for intelligent vehicle based on radar and vision fusion[J]. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2021, 36(3): 178-187.

10. Ling Shu, Hongbin Deng, Zhenhua Pan (Corresponding author). A Comprehensive Working Condition Identification Scheme for Rolling Bearings Based on Modified CEEMDAN as well as Modified Hierarchical Amplitude-Aware Permutation Entropy[J]. Measurement Science and Technology.2022,33(7): 5111.

11. Zhenhua Pan, Hong Bao, Feng Pan, Cheng Xu. An Intelligent Vehicle Based on an Improved PID Speed Control Algorithm for Driving Trend Graphs[J]. International Journal of simulation Systems, Science & Technology, 17(30): 19.1-19.7, 2016.



1. 潘振华,夏元清,郑颖,鲍泓,孙中奇,马楠,戴荔,詹玉峰,张元,郭泽华. 大规模集群系统分布式递归编组及自主聚合控制方法,CN202210252109.9

2. 鲍泓,潘振华,郑颖. 一种拒止环境下无人机蜂群自组织方法, 202210179938.9

3. 潘峰,潘振华,鲍泓,杨青. 智能驾驶中基于驾驶态势图簇的改进pid速度控制算法, CN105404729B

4. 邓宏彬,潘振华,陈汉,彭腾,张国秀,陈振满,王超,危怡然. 一种两轮跳跃智能机器人, ZL20171067513.4.








1. 担任 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、ISA Transactions、IJRNC、 Robotica等期刊审稿人。