

姓      名: Saša V. Raković. 性别: 出生年月: 1973.09
职      称: 教授 职务:
最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 控制科学与工程 智能信息处理与控制
人才计划: 北京市高层次人才 办公地点: 科技园6#912
电子邮件: sasa.v.rakovic@gmail.com 联系方式:
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区西三环北路甲2号院北理工科技园6号楼912室
导师类型: 博士生导师


2019.10–present Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China Full Professor

2019.04–2019.06 Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China Visiting Professor

2016.10–2017.05 The University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Senior Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)

2016.06–2016.10 Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Senior Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)

2015.05–2016.06 The University of Texas, Austin, USA Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)

2012.07–2014.09 Oxford University, Oxford, UK Member of Senior Common Room of the St Edmund Hall

2014.04–2014.08 Supélec, Gif–sur–Yvette, France Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)

2012.02–2012.07 The University of Maryland, College Park, USA Assistant Professor (Visiting Scholar)

2009.07–2011.10 Oxford University, Oxford, UK Academic Fellow (Visiting Scholar, Initially Academic Visitor)

2009.04–2011.12 The University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany Scientific Associate

2008.12–2009.12 Imperial College London, London, UK Research Associate (Honorary)

2008.04–2008.11 City University of London, London, UK Research Fellow (Visiting Scholar)

2006.11–2008.11 ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Research Fellow

2001.11–2006.11 Imperial College London, London, UK Research Associate

2001–2005 Imperial College London, London, UK Control Theory PhD

2000–2001 Imperial College London, London, UK Control Engineering Master

1993–1999 Technical Faculty of Čačak, Čačak, Serbia Mechatronics Bachelor


1. Optimal and model predictive control

2. Artificial intelligence and optimization for synthesis and analysis of dynamic and static systems

3. Decision making under constraints and uncertainty



1. S. V. Raković, S. Zhang, H. Sun, et al. Model Predictive Control for Linear Systems under Relaxed Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, In Press.

2. S. V. Raković. Minkowski–Lyapunov Functions: Alternative Characterization and Implicit Representation. Automatica, 110081, 2021.

3. S. V. Raković. The Robust Minkowski-Lyapunov Equation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021.

4. S. V. Raković, S. Zhang, Y. Hao, et al. Safe Polyhedral Tubes for Locally Convexified MPC. Automatica, 132: 109791, 2021.

5. S. V. Raković. Control Minkowski–Lyapunov Functions. Automatica, 128: 109598, 2021.

6. S. V. Raković, Zhang S, Hao Y, et al. Convex MPC for Exclusion Constraints. Automatica, 127: 109502, 2021.

7. S. V. Raković, S. Zhang, L. Dai, et al. Convex Model Predictive Control for Collision Avoidance[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 15(9): 1270-1285, 2021.

8. S. V. Raković. Minkowski–Bellman Inequality and Equation. Automatica, 125: 109435, 2021.

9. S. V. Raković. Robust Control Minkowski–Lyapunov Functions. Automatica, 125: 109437, 2021.

10. S. V. Raković. Robust Minkowski–Lyapunov Functions. Automatica, 120(10): 109168, 2020.

11. S. V. Raković. Polarity of Stability and Robust Positive Invariance. Automatica, 118(8): 109010, 2020.

12. S. V. Raković and M. Lazar. Corrigendum to “The Minkowski-Lyapunov Equation for Linear Dynamics: Theoretical Foundations”, Automatica, 50(8):2015-2024, 2014. Automatica, 106(8): 411–412, 2019.

13. S. V. Raković. The Minkowski–Lyapunov Equation. Automatica, 75(1): 32–36, 2017.

14. S. V. Raković and M. Lazar. The Minkowski–Lyapunov Equation for Linear Dynamics: Theoretical Foundations. Automatica, 50(8): 2015–2024, 2014.

15. S. V. Raković and R. Gielen. Positively Invariant Families of Sets for Interconnected and Time–Delay Discrete–Time Systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 52(4): 2261–2283, 2014.

16. S. V. Raković, B. Kouvaritakis, M. Cannon, C. Panos and R. Findeisen. Parameterized Tube Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(11): 2746–2761, 2012.

17. S. V. Raković and M. Lazar. Minkowski Terminal Cost Functions for MPC. Automatica, 48(10): 2721–2725, 2012.

18. S. V. Raković, B. Kouvaritakis, R. Findeisen and M. Cannon. Homothetic Tube Model Predictive Control. Automatica, 48(8): 1631–1638, 2012.

19. S. V. Raković and B. Miroslav. Parameterized Robust Control Invariant Sets for Linear Systems: Theoretical Advances and Computational Remarks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55(7): 1599–1614, 2010.

20. S. V. Raković and B. Miroslav. Local Control Lyapunov Functions for Constrained Linear Discrete Time Systems: The Minkowski Algebra Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(11): 2686–2692, 2009.

21. D. Q. Mayne, S. V. Raković, R. Findeisen and F. Allgöwer. Robust Output Feedback Model Predictive Control of Constrained Linear Systems: Time Varying Case. Automatica, 45(9): 2082–2087, 2009.

22. Z. Artstein and S. V. Raković. Feedback and Invariance under Uncertainty via Set–Iterates. Automatica, 44(2): 520–525,2008.

23. S. V. Raković, E. C. Kerrigan, D. Q. Mayne and K. I. Kouramas. Optimized Robust Control Invariance for Linear Discrete–Time Systems: Theoretical Foundations. Automatica, 43(5): 831–841, 2007.

24. S. V. Raković, E. C. Kerrigan, D. Q. Mayne and J. Lygeros. Reachability Analysis of Discrete–Time Systems with Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51(4): 546–562, 2006.

25. S. V. Raković, E. C. Kerrigan, K. I. Kouramas and D. Q. Mayne. Invariant Approximations of the Minimal Robustly Positively Invariant Set. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(3): 406–410, 2005.




1. S. V. Raković and W. S. Levine (Editors). Handbook of Model Predictive Control. Springer Nature, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2018.


1. 2005 The Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize as the best PhD thesis in the EEE Department at Imperial College London


1. Tube Model Predictive Control Graduate course



